Multiple Exposure with Flash and Slow Shutter Speed

Write and post a list of 10 things that are essential to this technique, and explain WHY each thing is needed.

  1. Aperture
  2. Camera Settings
  3. Lighting
  4. Direction
  5. Try try again
  6. Start small
  7. Remote triggers
  8. Clarity
  9. Neutral backdrops
  10. Two second timer

 Aperture:  The aperture is the most important role in multiple exposure.  The longer the shutter speed is the slower the flash speed will be. The aperture controls how the flash exposure is recorded.

Camera Settings: The camera will need to be set on a tripod, the dial needs to be set to manual, the ISO to 100 and the shutter speed should be set to 2 and 6 seconds. Then test the shutter speed if that’s going to work for you if it doesn’t work adjust the shutter speed.

Lighting: Keep lighting as simple as possible. This technique uses multiple lights. How the lights are set up is your choice, the lighting will help you with your final project. It will help you with practicing with the lights also you can play around with it and see what works best for you.

Direction:  “Pose, wait for the flash, pose, wait for the flash, and pose again”  You need to tell your model what to do like move around a bit you need to tell the model, what you’re trying to achieve and maybe you and your model can come up with something new to do.

Try try again: Practice makes perfect. If something doesn’t work the first time you can try again and play around with the movements, and the aperture, and everything else that will help you. This is where you can play around with the 4 things listed above to make sure that you like everything the way its set up.

Start small:  If you start out with multiple movements the picture will seemed cluttered and we don’t want a cluttered picture. Start out with 3 movements then work out from there. This is kinda where you can also experiment with different movements and poses.

Remote triggers: A remote trigger is helpful. This will help you with not having to have to move the camera and the light source between each frame.

Clarity:  The clarity will help with the composition of your photo. You can use Light rooms clarity slider or the Adobe Camera RAW will help.

Neutral backdrops:  “Colored backgrounds will over power images with this technique” The background will be important because your model is moving to different positions the background will move with your subject. The color will also help with the exposure.

Two second timer: If you can’t find anyone to help you with this project the timer will be your best friend. If two seconds is not long enough you can adjust the timer. “To give you time to move between the camera and the strobe.”

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